Otolaryngologist (ENT) and Phoniatrist
- He completed his specialist training at the university hospitals in Düsseldorf (ENT) in 1987 and Freie Universität Berlin (Phoniatrics) in 1993.
- As a HEISENBERG fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG), he spent a year in Boston at Harvard University, 1997
- In 2014, he founded the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER, Hamburg, Germany
- Since 2015, he has specialized in Voice Feminization Surgeries
Markus Hess, MD, Ph.D. is an otolaryngologist and phoniatrist. Early on he specialized in the field of voice disorders, phonosurgery, and treatment of professional singers. Prof. Hess is not only a highly reknown phonosurgeon but also an innovative researcher who regularly gives presentations and lectures at international conferences. For several years, Hess has specialized in voice feminization and voice-deepening surgeries.
Memberships & Publications
- Stimmfeminisierung – Die Kombination logopädischer Stimmarbeit und der stimmerhöhenden Operation „Glottoplastik“ Birte Heckmann, Markus Hess,2019
- Stimmfeminisierung : Chirurgisch zur höheren Stimmlage. Hess MM, Fleischer S., 2018
- Optionen der Stimmfeminisierung, Mit Stimmübungen und Phonochirurgie zu einem weiblicheren Klang. HNO-NACHRICHTEN 2022; 52 (6)
- Founding Member and President of the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons, 2022
- Founding member der European Academy of Voice (EAV)
- Founding member and since 2015 President der Pan European Voice Conferences (PEVOC)
- President of Internationalen Collegium Medicorum Theatri (CoMeT)
- Scientific-Council of European Laryngological Society (ELS)
- Honorary member of Austrian Voice Institute since 2016
- Founding Member of Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phonochirurgie (DGPP)
- Full Member WPATH – World Professional Association for Transgerder Health
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endoskopie und Bildgebende Verfahren e.V. (DGE-BV)
- Deutsche Berufsverband der Fachärzte für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie e.V.
- Union der Europäischen Phoniater (UEP)
- European Academy of Phoniatrics (EAP)
- International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie (DGHNO KHC)
- Faculty der World Phonocon 2017
- General Secretary of International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP)
- Hamburger Arbeitskreis für das Hörscreening bei Neugeborenen (HAHN)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (DGA)
- Deutsch-vietnamesische Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Medizin in Vietnam e.V. (DEVIEMED eV)
- Berufsverband der Phoniater und Pädaudiologen (BVPP)
- Freundes- und Förderkreis des UKE (FFK)
- Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
- Rotary (RC)
- Glottoplasty: Advantages of combined surgery with pattern retraining therapy. 30th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians (UEP). April 2023, Antalya, Turkiye.
- Voice management in transgender patients: Cases and discussion. Round Table. Biannual meeting of the European Laryngological Society (ELS). May 2023, Milano, Italy.
- Challenges and pitfalls in pitch raising glottoplasty. Keynote lecture. Dr. M. V. Kirtane Oration. 17th Workshop on Phonosurgery combined with the 2nd Meeting of The International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons. November 2023, Mumbai, India.
- Transgender voices – modern approach, care, surgical procedures. Keynote speech. Invitation to the 9th Conference “Voice-Body-Expression” by Mix Singers Association. Poland.
- Wendler’s glottoplasty: experiences, challenges, and technical modifications. Keynote speech at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, October 2022, Milan, Italy.
- Glottoplasty technique for male-to-female transgender patients. Keynote speech. The 16th Meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP). October 2022, Kyoto, Japan.
- Transstimme. Prerecorded presentation at GENDERTREFF. September 2022, Leverkusen, Germany.
- Feminization of voice: glottoplasty. Presentation at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC). August 2022, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Globus, Altersstimme, Transstimme. Laryngologie highlights. Online-tutorial. December 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
- Stimmphysiologie, Stimmstörung ‘lesen’, Stimmstörung ‘hören’, Trans*Voice. Presentations at the one-day workshop STIMMWISSEN Kompakt 2021 of the MEDICAL VOICE CENTER. June 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
- Stimmphysiologie, Stimmstörung ‘lesen’, Stimmstörung ‘hören’, Trans*Voice. Vorträge beim Workshop STIMMWISSEN Kompakt 2020 der DEUTSCHEN STIMMKLINIK. Oktober 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
- Pin-up glottoplasty. Presentation at the 5th Advances and Controversies in Laryngology (ACL) meeting. December 2015, Chicago, USA.