A. Voice Feminization
Laryngeal framework surgery
1. Cricothyroid approximation (CTA)
Brown M, Perry A, Cheesman AD, Pring T. “Pitch change in male-to-female transsexuals: has phonosurgery a role to play?” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 35.1 (2000): 129-136.
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Matai, Vandana, Anthony D. Cheesman, and Peter M. Clarke. “Cricothyroid approximation and thyroid chondroplasty: a patient survey.” Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 128.6 (2003): 841-847.
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2. Feminization laryngoplasty and modified approaches
Kunachak, Somyos, Supawadee Prakunhungsit, and Kanjalak Sujjalak. “Thyroid cartilage and vocal fold reduction: a new phonosurgical method for male-to-female transsexuals.” Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 109.11 (2000): 1082-1086.
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Tucker, Harvey M. “Anterior commissure laryngoplasty for adjustment of vocal fold tension.” Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 94.6 (1985): 547-549.
Wagner, Isabelle, et al. “Pitch‐raising surgery in fourteen male‐to‐female transsexuals.” The Laryngoscope 113.7 (2003): 1157-1165.
Microlaryngoscopic approaches
3. Wendler Glottoplasty and modifications
Aires, Mateus Morais, et al. “Effect of Wendler glottoplasty on voice and quality of life of transgender women.” Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology (2021).
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Anderson, Jennifer A. “Pitch elevation in trangendered patients: anterior glottic web formation assisted by temporary injection augmentation.” Journal of Voice 28.6 (2014): 816-821.
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Brown, Sarah K., et al. “Addition of Wendler glottoplasty to voice therapy improves trans female voice outcomes.” The Laryngoscope 131.7 (2021): 1588-1593.
Casado, Juan C., María J. Rodríguez-Parra, and José A. Adrián. “Voice feminization in male-to-female transgendered clients after Wendler’s glottoplasty with vs. without voice therapy support.” European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 274 (2017): 2049-2058.
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Gross, Manfred. “Pitch-raising surgery in male-to-female transsexuals.” Journal of Voice 13.2 (1999): 246-250.
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Mastronikolis, Nicholas S., et al. “Wendler glottoplasty: an effective pitch raising surgery in male-to-female transsexuals.” Journal of Voice 27.4 (2013): 516-522.
Meister, Jonas, et al. “Pitch elevation in male-to-female transgender persons—the Würzburg approach.” Journal of Voice 31.2 (2017): 244-e7.
Paltura, Ceki, and Kürşat Yelken. “An examination of vocal tract acoustics following Wendler’s glottoplasty.” Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 71.1 (2019): 24-28.
Park, Chris, Sarah Brown, and Mark Courey. “Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire Scores Highlight Specific Benefits of Adjunctive Glottoplasty With Voice Therapy in Treating Voice Feminization.” Journal of Voice (2021).
Remacle, Marc, et al. “Glottoplasty for male-to-female transsexualism: voice results.” Journal of Voice 25.1 (2011): 120-123.
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4. Laser‐assisted strategies (LAVA, LRP) and combinations
Geneid, Ahmed, Heikki Rihkanen, and Teemu J. Kinnari. “Long-term outcome of endoscopic shortening and stiffening of the vocal folds to raise the pitch.” European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 272 (2015): 3751-3756.
Koçak, Ismail, et al. “Laser reduction glottoplasty for managing androphonia after failed cricothyroid approximation surgery.” Journal of Voice 24.6 (2010): 758-764.
Yılmaz, Taner, Furkan Özer, and Fatma Esen Aydınlı. “Laser reduction glottoplasty for voice feminization: Experience on 28 patients.” Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 130.9 (2021): 1057-1063.
Orloff, Lisa A., et al. “Laser‐assisted voice adjustment (LAVA) in transsexuals.” The Laryngoscope 116.4 (2006): 655-660.
Comparative studies
Mora, Elena, et al. “Comparison of cricothyroid approximation and glottoplasty for surgical voice feminization in male‐to‐female transsexuals.” The Laryngoscope 128.9 (2018): 2101-2109.
Van Damme, Silke, et al. “The effectiveness of pitch-raising surgery in male-to-female transsexuals: a systematic review.” Journal of Voice 31.2 (2017): 244-e1.
Casado-Morente, Juan Carlos, et al. “Comparison Between two Surgical Techniques for Increasing Vocal Pitch by Endoscopic Shortening of the Vocal Folds.” Journal of Voice (2022).
Schwarz, Karine, et al. “Laryngeal surgical treatment in transgender women: a systematic review and meta‐” The Laryngoscope 127.11 (2017): 2596-2603.
B. Voice Masculinization (Voice Deepening)
Bultynck, Charlotte, et al. “Thyroplasty type III to lower the vocal pitch in trans men.” Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 164.1 (2021): 157-159.
Haben, C. Michael. “Masculinization Laryngoplasty.” Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 55.4 (2022): 757-765.
Hoffman, Matthew R., et al. “Combined type IIIB with bilateral type I thyroplasty for pitch lowering with maintenance of vocal fold tension.” European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 271 (2014): 1621-1629.
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C. Chondrolaryngoplasty
Conrad, Krzysztof, and Adi Yoskovitch. “Endoscopically facilitated reduction laryngochondroplasty.” Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery (2003).
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D. Voice Therapy
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E. Topic-related physiological and acoustical basics
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F. Quality of life and self-assessment
Aires, Mateus Morais, et al. “Effect of Wendler glottoplasty on voice and quality of life of transgender women.” Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology (2021).
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Hancock, Adrienne B., and Laura M. Garabedian. “Transgender voice and communication treatment: a retrospective chart review of 25 cases.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 48.1 (2013): 54-65.
Hancock, Adrienne B., Julianne Krissinger, and Kelly Owen. “Voice perceptions and quality of life of transgender people.” Journal of Voice 25.5 (2011): 553-558.
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G. Surveys
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