Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Full time University Academic Professor, Belgium, October 2001
- Founding member (1995) and General secretary of the European laryngological association (1995-2008)
- Founding member (2009) and President of the confederation of the European ORl -Head & Neck surgery (2017-2019
Dr Marc Remacle is an Emeritus Academic Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Louvain, Belgium. He is a consultant in the department of ORL and Head & Neck surgery of CHL, Luxembourg. He is also director of the Voice and swallowing center.
Dr Remacle chaired the Free University of Brussels joint commission and the Catholic University of Louvain for the master’s degree in Logopaedics.
His interest in Laser surgery led him to contribute to the development of dedicated devices such as micromanipulators and microinstruments. He initiated the new scanner and the new robotic micromanipulator for laser-assisted incision and dissection. He contributed to the development of the Co2 laser wave guide.
Together with his colleague Prof Georges Lawson, they have initiated the TORS in Belgium. He presented numerous communications and published papers mainly on laser-assisted microsurgery and microphonosurgery.
He organized the first European course on TORS in Head & Neck surgery in 2012. Later on, he developed the flex robotic system from Medrobotics, He performed the first 2 procedures on Humans for vocal fold lesions on June 16, 2016. He is an expert in voice feminization, practicing the Wendler glottoplasty for more than 15 years. He regularly takes part in International courses and conferences on laser microsurgery.
Memberships & Publications
Wendler glottoplasty: an effective pitch raising surgery in male-to-female transsexuals. Mastronikolis NS, Remacle M, Biagini M, Kiagiadaki D, Lawson G. J Voice. 2013, ;27, :516-22
Glottoplasty for male-to-female transsexualism: voice results. Remacle M, Matar N, Morsomme D, Veduyckt I, Lawson G.J Voice. 2011 Jan;25(1):120-3.
Ch 10 Voice Feminization and Masculinization
Raja Fakhoury, Vyas M.N. Prasad, Marc Remacle, James P. Thomas in Surgery of larynx and Trachea, 2nd edition, Marc Remacle, Hans E Eckel ed, Springer-Nature pub, under press
Founding member and the Past-General secretary of the European laryngological association
Member of the Collegium Oto-Rhino-laryngologicum Amitiae Sacrum
Corresponding member of the American Laryngological Association
International member of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association
Corresponding member of the American Head & Neck Society
Corresponding member of the American academy of ORL- Head & neck Surgery
Corresponding member of the French society of ORL and Head & Neck pathology
Member of the French society of Head & Neck Carcinology
Member and President of the French society of Phoniatrics
Member of the Belgian society of ORL and Head & Neck Surgery
Member and Past General secretary of the International Association of Phonosurgery
Founding member and Past-President, confederation of the European ORl -Head & Neck surgery
Founding member of the International Association TransVoice surgeons ( 2022)
260th Dr Luis Guerrero Memorial Lecture
University of Santo Tomas, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Philippines, November 26th, 1997
Lecture , Guest of honor, 80th anniversary Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, November 15th, 2004
Stirk-Adams Lecture, Queen Medical Centre, Nottingham, 14th January 2006
Lewis Francis Morrison, M.D. Endowed Lecturer – University of California – San Francisco – Department of otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, March 6, 2008
“Kleinsasser Award 2008″ Lecture –r “l’European Laryngological Society” , 29May 2008
Lecture, Honorary Member of the Austrian Society of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Graz, Austria, 12 September 2008
Lecture, Honorary member of the “Fundacion Mexicana de la Voz”, Mexico, 31 December 2009
Wullstein Lecturer German ORL- Head § Neck society, May, 2022