Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Degree in medicine and surgery in 2001 – Ferrara University School of Medicine, Italy
- Ear Nose and Throat in 2005 – Ferrara University School of Medicine, Italy
- ENT surgeon at the Bufalini Hospital in Cesena, Italy since 2006
- Director of the annual Phonosurgery and Speech Therapy course in Cesena, with the endorsement of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology
Cesena ENT is actually the national referred center for glottoplasty procedures in feminization of the voice, as specified in the official website of the Italian National Institute of Health, dedicated to the well-being of transgender people https://www.infotrans.it/
Dr. Marco Stacchini is an ENT surgeon working at the “M. Bufalini” Hospital in Cesena, Italy. He has always had a special interest in surgical voice rehabilitation. His Otolaryngology dissertation was on fat injection laryngoplasty for treating dysphonia, in unilateral vocal cord paralysis. He regularly participates as speaker, surgical tutor and trainer in national and international scientific congresses and workshops related to the field of Phonosurgery.
At the ENT Dept. in Cesena, he is involved in the clinical evaluation and surgical treatment of oncological and functional diseases of the larynx. His annual surgical activity includes about 40 laser chordectomies for early glottic cancer, partial and total laryngectomies for advanced laryngeal cancers. Also dealing with the functional phase of rehabilitation, he has developed minimally invasive techniques for improving voice and swallowing in operated cancer patients. He has authored articles and book chapters on these topics.
At the same time, he specialized on functional surgeries, especially for voice professionals (singers and speakers). He has also been involved in the development of minimally invasive laryngeal surgical techniques, working jointly with well-known international laryngologist as Prof. Borragan (Santander, Spain). He has perfected a number of injection laryngoplasty procedures, using the operative fibroscopic technique in local anaesthesia.
In recent years, he became interested in voice feminization and voice-deepening surgeries. His familiarity with various techniques in laryngeal surgery has resulted in rapid growth in the field of transgender surgery. He gained experience in type III and IV thyroplasty as well as glottoplasty procedures. For these reasons Cesena ENT has become the national reference center for glottoplasty procedures in feminization of the voice, as specified in the official website of the Italian National Institute of Health, dedicated to the well-being of transgender people https://www.infotrans.it/ .
His hobbies include water sports, such as swimming and apnea freediving. He completed the crossing of the Adriatic Sea by relay swimming and has a personal record for freediving at 42 meters of depth.
Memberships & Publications
- Preoperative and postoperative electroneurographic facial nerve monitoring in patients with parotid tumors. Aimoni C, Lombardi L, Gastaldo E, Stacchini M, Pastore A. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2003 Sep;129(9):940-3.
- Surgical rehabilitation of dysphagia after partial laryngectomy. Ricci Maccarini, M. Stacchini, D. Salsi, D. Padovani, F. Pieri, D. Casolino Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2007;27:294-298.
- Trans-tracheostomic endoscopy of the larynx in the evaluation of dysphagia. Ricci Maccarini, M. Stacchini, D. Salsi, F. Pieri, M. Magnani, D. Casolino. Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 2007; 27:290-293.
- La chirurgia di revisione dei seni paranasali. Magnani, M. Stacchini, A. Ghidini. In: La Chirurgia Endoscopica dei Seni Paranasali e della Base Cranica. Quaderni Monografici di Aggiornamento AOOI. Pagg. 411-422. Ed. Torgraf. Luglio 2007.
- Refertazione ed interpretazione dei tracciati e dei questionari nello studio della disfonia. Ricci Maccarini, M. Limarzi, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, E. Lucchini, M. Magnani. In: Refertazione ed interpretazione dei tracciati e dei questionari in ORL. Quaderni Monografici Aggiornamento AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Maggio 2008.
- Modalità di esecuzione del’esame Videolaringoscopico. Ricci Maccarini, M. Stacchini, F. Pieri, M. Limarzi, M. Rebecchi, M. Magnani. In: La videolaringoscopia. XXXII Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Ottobre 2008.
- Videolaringoscopia diagnostica e operativa con endoscopio flesibile. De Rossi, A. Ricci Maccarini, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, M. Ferrini, A. Borragan. In: La videolaringoscopia. XXXII Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Ottobre 2008.
- Lesioni cordali congenite. Pieri, A. Ricci Maccarini, M. Limarzi, M. Stacchini, M. Magnani. In: La videolaringoscopia. XXXII Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Ottobre 2008.
- Paralisi laringee. Magnani, A. Ricci Maccarini, F. Pieri, M. Limarzi, M. Stacchini, D. Casolino. In: La videolaringoscopia. Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Ottobre 2008.
- Il ruolo dela videolaringostroboscopia negli interventi di fonochirurgia. Ricci Maccarini, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, M. Magnani. In: La videolaringoscopia. XXXII Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Ottobre 2008.
- La Refertazione e l’interpretazione dei tracciati e dei questionari nello studio della disfonia. Ricci Maccarini, M. Limarzi, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, E. Lucchini, M. Magnani. Da: Quaderni di Aggiornamento AOOI, Ed. Pacini, Pisa, 2008.
- Le lesioni cordali della lamina propria. D. Casolino, F. Pieri, A. Ricci Maccarini, M. Limarzi, M. Stacchini. In: “La voce, fisiologia, patologia, clinica e terapia”. Ed. Piccin. Settembre 2009.
- Fonochirurgia fibroendoscopica. G. De Rossi, A. Ricci Maccarini, A. Borragan, M. Stacchini, S. Narne. In: “La voce, fisiologia, patologia, clinica e terapia”. Ed. Piccin. Settembre 2009.
- Laringoplastiche. D. Casolino, M. Magnani, M. Rebecchi, M. Stacchini, A. Ricci Maccarini. In: “La voce, fisiologia, patologia, clinica e terapia”. Ed. Piccin. Settembre 2009.
- Tecniche di fonochirurgia. A. Ricci Maccarini, M. Magnani, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, G. De Rossi, D. Casolino. Da “Clinica della Voce”, Collana “Quadri”, Edizioni Libreria Cortina, Torino. 2009.
- I materiali. G. De Rossi, M. Stacchini, A. Ricci Maccarini. In: Laringoplastiche iniettive. Quaderni Monografici di Aggiornamento AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Settembre 2011.
- Laringoplastica iniettiva fibroendoscopica: indicazioni, tecnica chirurgica ed anestesiologica, complicanze. Ricci Maccarini, G. De Rossi, A. Borragan, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, M. Ferrini, M. Magnani. In: Laringoplastiche iniettive. Quaderni Monografici di Aggiornamento AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Settembre 2011.
- Chirurgia endoscopica della disfagia. Ricci Maccarini, G. Bergamini, M. Alicandri Ciufelli, M. Stacchini. Da “Deglutologia”, a cura di O. Schindler, G. Ruoppolo, A. Amitrano, Ed. Omega, Torino, 2011.
- Injection Laryngoplasty Under Fiberoptic Endoscopy. A. Ricci Maccarini, G. De Rossi, F. Pieri, Stacchini, M. Ferrini, M. Magnani. In: Injection Laryngoplasty. Ed. G. Bergamini, L. Presutti, G. Molteni. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.
- La laringoplastica iniettiva in fibroendoscopia. Ricci Maccarini, G. De Rossi, F. Pieri, M. Stacchini, M. Ferrini, M. Magnani. In: Aggiornamenti in Otorinolaringoiatria “Endorl”. Edizioni Bieffe Recanati. 2016.
- La chirurgia funzionale per via esterna nella disfagia dopo interventi di laringectomia parziale. C. Fabbri, F. Morolli, Stacchini, M. Ferrini, F. Pieri, A. Ricci Maccarini, M. Magnani. In: Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Settembre 2017.
- Il protocollo di recupero chirurgico degli insuccessi funzionali con chirurgia endoscopica flessibile. Stacchini, A. Ricci Maccarini, F. Pieri, M. Ferrini, C. Fabbri, M. Magnani. In: Relazione ufficiale AOOI. Ed. Torgraf. Settembre 2017.
- Total reconstruction of columella, nasal tip, and upper lip with a front flap and a cartilage graft. M. Manfredi, M. Stacchini, C. Fabbri. European Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017 August;1(2):73-5.
- Surgical fenestrated approach to the maxillary sinus like alternative to Caldwell-Luc technique. Manfredi M, Fabbri C, Gessaroli M, Morolli F, Stacchini M. Minerva Stomatol. 2019 Dec;68(6):308-316. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4970.19.04255-9.
- Medialization Laryngoplasty After Endoscopic Laser Cordectomy. Our Experience. Stacchini M, Michael G, Maria SG, Massimo M, Christel G, Sven W, Andrea RM. J Voice. 2023 Jan; 7(1):105-109. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice. 2020.10.005. Epub 2020 Oct 26.
- Phonosurgical Injection Approaches for Voice Restoration After Open Partial Horizontal Laryngectomies: A Pilot Study. Fantini M, Crosetti E, Firino A, Gallia M, Borrelli G, Stacchini M, Ricci Maccarini A, Succo G. J Voice. 2022 Apr 23:S0892-1997(22)00099-6. doi: 0.1016 /j.jvoice. 2022.03.024. Online ahead of print.
- Laryngeal tubercolosis: a case report with focus on voice assessment and review of the literature. Migliorelli A, Mazzocco T, Bonsembiante A, Bugada D, Fantini M, Elli F, Stacchini M. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2022 Oct;42(5):407-414. doi: 10.14639/0392-100X-N2091.
- He has been an active surgical member of the international committee for the trial of the CO2 Fiber Laser, a surgical device for the treatment of lesions of the cervical-cephalic region. Title of the study approved by the International Ethics Committee: “ENT Fiber Laser CO2 Study”. The successfully completed study enabled the approval and distribution of the CO2 laser also for fibroendoscopic treatment of the vocal cord diseases.
- Member of the AOOI (Italian Society of Public Hospital Otolaryngologists) and SIO (Italian Society of Otolaryngologists)
- Treasurer and reviewer for the Italian National Journal of ENT (ACTA Otolaryngology)
- Member of national otolaryngology group for development of Italian guidelines for placement and management of phonatory valves
- Responsible for placement and management of phonatory prosthesis valves in laryngectomized patients for the regional area (including 4 Public Hospitals)
- Member of the Regional ENT Oncologic Board
- Director and surgical teacher of the Cesena National Phonosurgery Course. January 2023. Cesena, Italy
- Director and surgical teacher of the Cesena National Course for placement and management of phonatory valves. April 2023. Cesena, Italy
- Speaker at the National Congress of Otorinolaryngology (SIO) with 3 works about Phonosurgery: Phonosurgery in laryngeal mono and bilateral vocal fold paralysys, lecture at the official SIO inaugural roundtable; Botox injections by Flexible Endoscopic technique, presentation; Phonosurgery in childhood, presentation. May 2023. Milano, Italy.
- Lecture at the National Congress of the Italian Society of Phoniatrics and Speech Therapy (SIFEL) with 3 works about Phonosurgery: Thyroplasty technique, monothematic course; Phonosurgery technique for benign lesions of the vocal cords, presentation; Flexible Endoscopic PhonoSurgery – indications and limits, presentation. June 2023. Modena, Italy.
- Online course with presentations at the academic course on placement and management of phonatory valves. June, 2023. Ferrara University, Italy.
- Speaker at the European Laryngological Society (ELS) International Congress. Phonosurgery of benign glottic lesions: Office based non-laser interventions, presentation. June 2023. Milano, Italy.
– Lecture at the academic course‚ “Vocologia Clinica”. Phonosurgery for benign lesions of the vocal cords. March 2022, Ravenna, Italy
- Director and surgical teacher of the Cesena National Course for placement and management of phonatory valves. April 2022. Cesena, Italy
- Director and surgical teacher at the 1st Italian Live-surgery Course on Flexible Endoscopic PhonoSurgery, with the endorsement of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology. May 2022. Cesena, Italy.
- Speaker at the National Congress of Otorinolaryngology (SIO) with 4 works: Medical-legal aspects of phonosurgery, presentation; Updates in thyroplasty technique, presentation; Phonatory prosthesis and voice, presentation; Flexible Endoscopic PhonoSurgery, a developing technique, presentation. May 2022. Roma, Italy.
- Lecture at the academic course on placement and management of phonatory valves. June, 2022. Modena University, Italy.
- Lecture at the academic course on placement and management of phonatory valves. September, 2022. Verona University, Italy.
- Speaker at the National AIOLP Congress. Updates on Phonosurgery for benign lesions of the vocal cords, presentation. October, 2022. Bari, Italy.
- Lecture at the academic course on Phonosurgery. October 2022. Perugia University, Italy
- Moderator and Speaker at the 16th meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery: Phonosurgery after cordectomy: Thyroplasty type one and fiberendoscopic injection laryngoplasty, presentation; Moderator of the Symposium about Injection laryngoplasty; Voice characteristics with phonatory valves compared with voice after Open Partial Laryngectomies type II-III, presentation. October 2022. Kyoto, Japan.
- Instructional Course, at the6th Congress of European ORL-HNS. Phono Surgery: what can I do in the office? 29th October- 2nd November 2022. Milano, Italy.
- Speaker at the Alta Italia National Congress. Rehabilitation of neurological sequelae of thyroidectomies, presentation. November 2022. Novara, Italy.