Peter Tomassen, Belgium
Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Otolaryngologist at Ghent University Hospital since 2015
- Professor in otolaryngology at Ghent University since 2020
Prof. Peter Tomassen is a laryngologist and head & neck surgeon focusing on transgender care and research. After a PhD in rhinology in 2017 his clinical and academic path took a significant turn toward laryngology and transgender voice surgery. Thanks to a close collaboration with the multidisciplinary gender team and speech therapists in the Ghent University Hospital, he attracts numerous patients from the country and abroad to have gender-affirming voice surgery. The complete palette of feminizing or masculinizing surgeries and small in-office procedures are offered.
Prof. Tomassen’s research covers the study of multi-dimensional outcomes of gender-affirming voice surgery as well as outcomes of speech therapy.
Beyond research, he has delivered many lectures on gender-affirming voice care, ensuring that both healthcare professionals and the public stay informed.
Memberships & Publications
1. Leyns C, Papeleu T, Tomassen P et al. Effects of speech therapy in transgender women: a systematic review. International Journal of Transgender Health, 2021; 22(4): 360-380
2. Leyns, C, Daelman C, Adriaansen A, Tomassen P, Morsomme D, T’Sjoen G, D’haeseleer E. Short-Term Acoustic Effects of Speech Therapy in Transgender Women : A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology, 2023; 32 (1): 145–168.
3. D’haeseleer, E., Papeleu, T., Leyns, C., Adriaansen, A., Meerschman, I., Tomassen, P. Voice outcome of glottoplasty in trans women. Journal of Voice, 2023. Feb 9:S0892-1997(23)00015-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2023.01.013. Online ahead of print..
4. Papeleu T, Leyns C, Tomassen P, T’Sjoen G, Van Lierde K, D’haeseleer E. Intonation parameters in gender diverse people. Journal of Voice, 2023, Jan 15:S0892-1997(22)00420-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.12.020. Online ahead of print.
1. Invited lecture: “Transgender stemchirurgie”, Symposium Stem in Transitie, Vlaamse Vereniging voor Logopedisten, 25/3/2021
2. Invited lecture: Glottoplasty: Review of the literature and review of UZ Ghent Experience. Annual Congress of the Royal Belgian Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 25-26 November 2023, Genk.
Congress abstracts
1. Leyns C, Daelman J, Adriaansen A, Morsomme D, Tomassen P, T’Sjoen G, D’Haeseleer E. Short-term acoustic effects of speech therapy in transgender women. 4th EPATH Conference, August 11-13 2021.
2. D’haeseleer E, Leyns C, Papeleu T, Tomassen P, T’Sjoen G. Intonation parameters in gender diverse people. . 4th EPATH Conference, August 11-13 2021.
3. Leyns C, Papeleu T, Tomassen P, T’Sjoen G, D’haeseleer E. Effects of speech therapy for transgender women: A systematic review. 4th EPATH Conference, August 11-13 2021.
4. D’haeseleer E, Leyns C, Papeleu T, Adriaansen A, Tomassen P . Voice outcome of glottoplasty in transgender women World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) 27th Scientific Symposium, 2022 Montréal
5. D’haeseleer E, Leyns C, Papeleu T, Adriaansen A, Tomassen P . Voice outcome of glottoplasty in transgender women 51st Annual Symposium : Care of the Professional Voice, 2022 Philadelphia
6. Papeleu T, Leyns C, Tomassen P, T’Sjoen G, Van Lierde K, D’haeseleer E. Intonation parameters in gender diverse people. . 51st Annual Symposium : Care of the Professional Voice, 2022 Philadelphia
7. D’haeseleer E, Papeleu T, Leyns C, Adriaansen A, Meerschman I, Van Lierde K, Tomassen P . Voice outcome of glottoplasty in transgender women 16th meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery, Kyoto 2022
8. Leyns C, Tomassen P, Morsomme D, T’Sjoen G, D’haeseleer E. Effectiviteit van spraaktherapie bij transgender vrouwen : een systematische review en clinical trial. In: VVL conference 2022, Ghent.