Teemu Kinnari, Finland
Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Laryngologist and Head of Laryngology Section in Helsinki University ENT-clinic.
- Academic post as Clinical Associate Professor in the medical faculty of the University of Helsinki.
- Principal investigator in Biomedicum-Helsinki and former research fellow in Universidad Autónoma of Madrid.
Teemu J. Kinnari, MD, PhD, graduated (1993) and completed his residency as ENT specialist (2001) at Helsinki University, Finland. He has PhD degrees from both Helsinki University (2004) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2008). Dr Kinnari is Clinical Associate Professor in the University of Helsinki, and Head of Laryngology Section of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery in Helsinki University Hospital and in Helsinki Voice Clinic. He specializes in laryngology and phonosurgery. He is a founding member and former president of the Finnish Society for Laryngology.
Dr. Kinnari has great experience in laryngeal surgery from office-based procedures to endoscopic and open laryngeal framework surgery including over 500 office-based procedures during ten years. His repertoire includes vocal cord injections and laser surgery both in local and general anesthesia, phonomicrosurgery and endoscopic tumor surgery. Helsinki University ENT-clinic started glottoplasty procedures in early 1990´s and it has become the national reference center for feminization of the voice with vast experience in this field. Dr. Kinnari has performed voice feminization surgeries over 15 years.
Dr. Kinnari has authored over 50 research papers in international journals with main interest in laryngology, phonosurgery, biofilm related infections and implant materials. He serves regularly as invited speaker and faculty member in national and international conferences and work-shops.
Clinical Associate Professor, Head of Laryngology ,Orton – Helsinki Voice Clinic
Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital
Memberships & Publications
Long-term outcome of endoscopic shortening and stiffening of the vocal folds to raise the pitch. Geneid A, Rihkanen H, Kinnari TJ. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;272:3751-6.
An affordable model for endolaryngeal phonomicrosurgery: chicken wings and foam pipe insulation tube. Klockars T, Kinnari TJ: Laryngoscope 2014;124:1906-8
Microdebrider is less aerosol-generating than CO2 laser and cold instruments in microlaryngoscopy. Sanmark E,Oksanen L-M, Rantanen n, Lahelma M, Anttila V-J, Atanasocva N, Hyvärinen A-P, Kinnari T, Geneid A: Eur. Otorhinolaryngol 2022;279:825-34
Hands-on teaching: I have assisted several colleagues in their first glottoplasties in Finland, Spain and Estonia.
Invited lecture: “Glottoplasty for raising the voice pitch” in the 16th Meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP), in Kyoto, Japan, October 13 – 14, 2022.
Invited lecture: ”Wendler Glottoplasty, Helsinki experiene since 1995” in the 14th Pan-European Voice Congress (PEVOC) in Tallinn, Estonia, August 24 –27, 2022.
Invited lecturer “Glotoplastia Wendler”in the VozPamplona Laryngeal Framework Course, Pamplona, Spain, November 23-24, 2018
Roundtable Moderator “Alteration of the voice pitch” Speakers: Teemu Kinnari, Gauthier Desuter, James P. Thomas and Dirk Deuster in the 29th Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians, Helsinki, Finland June 13-16, 2018
Roundtable Moderator “Phonosurgery: Surgical alteration of male-to-female transgender voice” Speakers: Teemu Kinnari, Ahmed Geneid, Heikki Rihkanen, Kerstin Hoffmann, James P. Thomas in the 5th Congress of the European Laryngological Society, Helsinki, Finland June 14-16, 2010
Finnish Society of Ear Surgery (founding member and board member 2003-6)
Finnish Association of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (treasurer 2009-10)
The Finnish Society for Laryngology board member/ president (2013-24)
European Laryngological Society (ELS):
Member of the organizing committee (treasurer) of the 9th Congress of ELS, Helsinki, Finland 2012, Member of the ELS Committee of Molecular Biology (2015-)
Union of the European Phoniatricians (UEP):
Member of the organizing committee (treasurer) of 29th Congress of UEP, Helsinki, Finland
Honorary member of the Romanian Society of Phoniatrics 2018
Hands-on teaching: I have assisted several colleagues in their first glottoplasties in Finland, Spain and Estonia.
Invited lecture: “Glottoplasty for raising the voice pitch” in the 16th Meeting of the International Association of Phonosurgery (IAP), in Kyoto, Japan, October 13 – 14, 2022.
Invited lecture: ”Wendler Glottoplasty, Helsinki experiene since 1995” in the 14th Pan-European Voice Congress (PEVOC) in Tallinn, Estonia, August 24 –27, 2022.
Invited lecturer “Glotoplastia Wendler”in the VozPamplona Laryngeal Framework Course, Pamplona, Spain, November 23-24, 2018
Roundtable Moderator “Alteration of the voice pitch” Speakers: Teemu Kinnari, Gauthier Desuter, James P. Thomas and Dirk Deuster in the 29th Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians, Helsinki, Finland June 13-16, 2018
Roundtable Moderator “Phonosurgery: Surgical alteration of male-to-female transgender voice” Speakers: Teemu Kinnari, Ahmed Geneid, Heikki Rihkanen, Kerstin Hoffmann, James P. Thomas in the 5th Congress of the European Laryngological Society, Helsinki, Finland June 14-16, 2010